Quote JerryChicken="JerryChicken"Good question
I'm looking for a new one too as my last one got binned when it started randomly reciting all of its messages like HAL in 2001 Space Odyssey.
I've been looking at some 5" and 7" unbranded ones from UK dealers on eBay for around £40 to £60 that have 4gb memory included (for other gubbins) but I don't think they do traffic reports.'"
Yeah I'd be surprised if I managed it for under £100 but sitting in traffic is hardly cost effective either. The average journey with my current one is:
- Put in postcode, if it was built within the last decade I'm goosed straight away
- Wait absolutely ages for it to find where I am, particularly awkward if people are waving me off, particularly as it definitely won't find me if I'm doing more than 10mph
- Once it finds me, move an inch, at which point it realises I'm facing in the opposite direction and has to recalculate for just as long as before. Doing a U-turn to face the direction it thought I was in just seems to make things worse
- Make a bee-line for the nearest traffic jam*
- Once on the motorway, take me off at the odd junction, send me straight through a roundabout and back onto the same motorway
- Randomly tell me to turn left/right when the map shows straight on, or vice versa
- Stop to recalculate if we go through anywhere built post WW2
*There was one exception to this when Wigan got Featherstone away in the cup. It sent me down a single track farmers road up and down some massive hills that ran parallel to the motorway. This was daft but I can't have a go at the sat nav too much for this because it was the most fun I've ever had in a car with my pants on. My Dad and my best mate were in the back and would definitely disagree like and we were late for the game.