Quote El Barbudo="El Barbudo"Where does one begin in responding to stuff like this?
I knew the Britain before she came along and I knew the Britain as it was during her tenure.
Massive unemployment, sky-high interest rates, flogging-off anything they could think of (not using the proceeds for any investment, oh no, just to fund short-term tax cuts), throwing millions of people out of work (not only miners) and reducing unemployment benefit at the same time, moving people from the unemployed register onto the disabled list to make the figures look better, squandering North Sea Oil revenues, boom-bust-boom-bust economics, abolishing councils where the electorate had voted Labour in, using the police as a private army, moving the planning process from elected councils to unelected "Development corporations", using public money to build the infrastructure at Canary Wharf whilst bragging that it was all privately financed, turning a blind eye to BA's dirty tricks that brought down Freddie Laker (because BA couldn't be seen to fail, it had been privatised !), flogging off BL to BAe who quickly sold it again at a profit once they had persuaded the government to relinquish their "Golden share" which was supposed to prevent such an occurrence, allowing Nestle to buy Rowntree despite the fact that Swiss law as it stood would have prevented any such move by a British firm trying to take over a Swiss one, allowing nurses pay to dwindle to the point where even the moderate RCN threatened to strike, running down state schools and hospitals, introducing the poll tax, ministers taking posts on the board of industries that they had privatised, preventing councils from building housing to replace stock sold via right-to-buy, presiding over the first widening of the gap between rich and poor incomes since mid-Victorian times, "Care in the community".
Basically, greed and hypocrisy ruled.
And you were "[iprepared to fight for my country against the left of the 70's [/i" ?
What a wonderful utopia you created, eh?'"

Spot sir no tears will be shed by me,many a drink will be had over the next week or so. I just wish my dear dad was still here to join in the celebrations.