Quote Sal Paradise="Sal Paradise"We must as always agree to disagree - I think you are sticking your head in the sand by saying we cannot provide preventative cures '"
But I neither said, nor believe, any such thing! I said the oposite. I said that the social services etc agencies have to press on with their work regardless of the inevitable flak they will get, for the reasons I gave. How could you interpret that as meaning the opposite of what it states?
Quote Sal Paradise="Sal Paradise"... Given that the majority of child abuse is family related stopping it is possible, '"
You say this glibly, but I say it isn't possible. Steps coould and should be taken to do what we reasonably can to identify children at risk and to do what we can to try to safeguard them, but "stopping" such abuse is I'm afraid an impossible and extremely naive belief.
Quote Sal Paradise="Sal Paradise"..the problem is the emotional complexities of the aftermath. '"

That is just one aspect of many, but I'd say from a child's persective the problem at the top of the list is being sexually abused.
Quote Sal Paradise="Sal Paradise"..I take it you have no children if you had you would not take such a casual attitude. '"
Your claim I have a "casual" attitude is unfounded and completely wrong. Where do you get this from? I have both kids and grandkids though don't really see how that fact is relevant.
Quote Sal Paradise="Sal Paradise".To say you cannot prove you prevented anything again is just wrong. '"
On the contrary, it is 100% true. For it to be untrue, you would have to be able to prove that, had you not done X, then Y would have happened. Which is self-evidently impossible. The best you could do is say by doing X, you reduced the risk of Y.
You seem to be struggling with the concept so I'll give an example. Let's say the death of Baby P could have been prevented. With
hindsight, the agencies could have done this, or could have done that.
But if they HAD done this, or that, and Baby P were still alive, they
could not prove that they had prevented his death.
Is that clear enough.
Quote Sal Paradise="Sal Paradise"..If we could never prove anything why would we take preventative measures against anything '"
Is that a serious question? OK, if you went to Sierra Leone, would you take preventative measures against contracting Ebola? If so, why? You could never prove that you would have caught it but for your preventative measures.
The reason why zillions of preventative measures are taken, in all areas and walks of life, and why they are sensible, is hidden in that hypothetical little question.
Quote Sal Paradise="Sal Paradise".In Bradford we have significant issues of infant problems from those children born out of parents who are cousins. If we banned it and we saw a drop off of these issues that would prove beyond all reasonable doubt that it worked.'"
But you are leaping way off the point again, it's like saying widespread MMR vaccination will reduce MMR, of bleedin course it does! You seem incapable of differentiating between
(a) preventative steps reducing the RISK of some eventuality
(b) proving in any individual case that but for your preventative steps a specific individual WOULD have certainly suffered the eventuality.