Quote wrencat1873="wrencat1873"On your point about robust laws, ensuring equal rights etc.
Are these the same type of laws that we have for equal equality for women ?
You know equal pay and equal opportunities etc ?
We all know that the laws are in place but, how effective are they in practice.
If you believe that these laws are so robust, how on earth are public bodies like the BBC in so much strife with equal pay claims against them.
You know as well as I do that if companies dont want to employ certain people, they wont employ them. End of.'"
Because for the most, pay has been based on experience, public profile, ability to draw and retain an audience, etc. Or do you suggest David Attenborough should be paid the same as Liz Bonnin? Go and find me a job listing that specifies £x for males, £x for females. You can't. Many multivariate analyses of the gender pay gap have demonstrated that when you take ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING into account, women are not generally paid less than men, or any difference is minimal.
Anyway, it's a false equivalence to the question of race. Answer me - what do BLM actually want to change here in the UK? There's a load of bluster about dismantling the police, imperialism, capitalism, white-supremacy, patriarchy and 'racist' state structures. But let's get real and think about what they actually want? More quotas? Jobs handed over? Big houses handed over? Cheaper car insurance?
I agree police interaction with blacks is too high and festers a feeling of anger. But - as much as BLM and the media would like us to, we can't ignore crime rates and other facts. Who are the biggest perpetrators (and victims) of knife crime in London? Which section of society commits a higher rate of crime? Yes let's look at the reasons for this - poverty, etc - but are they any different to poor white communities in this regard?
Racism exists in the UK, of course. That doesn't make the UK racist. Yes it should be eliminated but that comes down to changing minds, not quotas, and not by tearing down the structure of society. You cannot force a mind to change.
The police certainly aren't slaughtering blacks in the UK (that's actually down to other blacks), except knife-wielding terrorists if they happen to be black. Christ, even in the US you're more likely to be killed by the police if you're white and resist arrest. None of this matters - BLM are shouting the loudest at the moment. We are seeing the biggest race card in history being played and you're all (literally) kneeling in fear.
BTW, if you support BLM go and find the Gary McFarlane interview (leader of BLM UK). You want this loon anywhere near policy making in the UK??
And then enjoy the BLM pastor commenting on the Churchill statue who stated, [i
"I haven't personally met him, but..."[/i