I am returnings from my huntings trip to Lake Mburo National Park for Ephalants and I seeings that someone is taking my accounts to empersonates other peoples on these board.
Pleases resist in futures as I have changes my passwords.
Firsts I is impersonatings Cala Millortime Rhinos. I AM NOT HIMS! He has a bad looking hats and I AM NOT homosexuals like him.
Seconds I am impersonatings Taddies Rhinos. I AM NOT HIMS! I like to polishes his head but hes past is too violent for my likings.
Thirds I am impersonatings Tackle Heads High. I AM NOT HIMS! He is a poisoned dwarf of these internets. I would like to hunt hims like the ephalants.
Forths I am impersonatings Geordies. I AM NOT HIMS! He is too fats. He is like an ephalants. I like to hunt hims too.
Only persons I am not impersonatings is SoufStanders, McLaren F1 Fields, G1 and Ramroddings. I am thinkings that Ramroddings is jealous of my Jeeps and his intelligence is working out my passwords. Remember Ramroddings, nextest time you visit my dentiste that I tell him to rip all your teeths out of your lycra wearing heads. Then I have my fun with yous.