Quote Juan Cornetto="Juan Cornetto"Well it was you who incorrectly said I had a Conservative allegiance and now incorrectly say that I voted for the Government. Like I previously told you I have no allegiance to any party. That I am more critical of Labour is because they were in power for 13 years during the decade long world boom and the recent economic crash and therefore it is fair that their deficiences are pointed out.
It does not need Sherlock Holmes to guess that you have Labour leanings as you have taken issue with my comments critical of the Labour flip flopping. Even now it is not clear what their economic policy is. To brush this off by saying ...well the other parties would have done the same is to ignore the fact that HM Opposition policies are in tatters and this is not good for democracy.
It is not true that both main parties would have acted the same. All three parties had different solutions and the Coalition so far is delivering the medicine it promised. Do you think Labour would have had the courage to try and reduce the state sector that it was responsible for bloating up? The Unions would simply not allow it.
The nation has always been politically divided and nothing wrong with that. I have lived long enough to witness many Govenments with real Opposition and many true conviction politicians on both sides. It is the apathy of people, perhaps like you, that have let in the current brigade of even more corrupt politicians. Fancy voting for Blair a 3rd time... I mean...!
Ehem.... So far Germany has shown no appetite for nor any action to prop up the Euro yet. They do not like the idea of a new Euro bond to replace all the tainted ones and they have blocked the plan for the ECB to be the lender of last resort. This is understandable if you are a German as they are the only country economically sound enough to guarantee such things. Hence the ongoing problem.'"
No you should not need Sherlock to tell you where his leanings lay,you only have to cotton on to "WEST LEEDS"to tell you that.I remember in the late 50s us little Sandford lads got the idea to go carol singing in posh Headingley,but it didnt last long got a much better reception in our our good natured working class area.