1. Us not being very good.
2. The world economy.
3. Joey Barton.
4. The wart on my toe.
5. Ferocious Aardvark.
6. Lada.
7. My baldness.
8. Michael Barrymore.
9. Jonathan Creek.
10. Famine.
11. The death of Woolworths.
12. Fridge magnets.
13. Old women in post office queues.
14. Taxi Drivers.
15. Charity muggers.
16. Kerry Katona.
17. Overseas call centres.
18. Skol.
19. People taking too long (usually women) at a cash machine.
20. Michael Winner.
21. Tomatoes.
22. Rugby Union.
23. Flavoured water.
24. Farming difficulties in Zimbabwe.
25. Apartheid.
26. Ugly people on TV. (see point 16)
27. Louis Walsh.
28. The (illegal) Turkish Invasion of Cyprus in 1974.
29. Turkey.
30. Turks.
31. Donner Kebabs.
32. Knife Crime.
33. The youth of today.
34. Old people saying "In my day......"
35. The battle of Waterloo.
36. Overcrowding in prisons.
37. ABBA.
38. Steven Segal movies.
39. David Beckhams red card v Argentina in World Cup 1998.
40. As above, Rooney v Portugal.
41. Crap signings and poor tactics.
42. The Tsunami that hit Sri Lanka.
43. Dysentry. (and Dallas.

44. People called Geoffrey/Jeffrey.
45. KD Lang being a lezza.
46. The slave trade.
47. Gun running.
48. Barney, the Purple Dinosaur.
49. Eddie and Stevo.
50. Phil "Wigan" Clarke.
51. Fairground Attraction's eighties music killer "Perfect"
52. Hot Fuzz.
53. Grey sock and hankies for Christmas.
54. My mum.
55. Greenhouse gasses and the continuing destruction of the ozone layer.
56. Deforestation.
57. Bono.
58. Frogs (both leathery and French)
59. Hairy backs/bums.
60. Genital warts.
61. The pound - euro conversion rate.
62. Dale's Supermarket Sweep.
63. The Flumps.
64. Mr Blobby.
65. Simon Finnigan.
66. Smaller Wagon Wheels.
67. Lower alcohol Stella Artois.
68. Eddie "the eagle" Edwards.
69. Fish stocks.
70. Fishsta.
71. Bird flu.
72. Uri Geller.
73. The Sinclair C-5.
74. The IRA
75. Whaling.
76. The assasination of John Lennon.
77. Ratners.
78. People that shop in Netto supermarkets.
79. Crap car boot sales.
80. Female "comediennes".
81. Illegal immigrants.
82. BEKO televisions.
83. Amy Winehouse's habit.
84. George W Bush.
85. Alan Carr.
86. The price of bread.
87. The Trafford Arms hotel shower.
88. Weeds.
89. Magazines devoted to horses.
90. Basque Seperatism / ETA.
91. Kim Jung Il.
92. Berets.
93. Fingerless gloves.
94. Crazy frog.
95. Bob Geldof.
96. Jade Goody.
97. Songs of Praise.
98. Daniel O Donnell and people who buy his records.
99. Tripe (see above)
100. Ray French.
Any more?