Quote Blotto="Blotto"Now you've outed yourself TT just front up and admit your a DM reader! I am and have been for 50+ plus years I've tried other rags, but but its usually the same s**t different colour, Alluding to the DM and illegals means you've been listening to much to Andy Parsons and Russell Howard in Mock the Week!
He's walked right into the trap I set for him, did he not? Bit disappointed he fell for it, to be honest - I was expecting a slick evasion... So we now know he either DOES secretly read the Wail, hence him knowing what Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells writes in about but is in denial, or indeed he does NOT read it - and so the only way he can know is thrird-hand from what others say, without actually having read it for himself. Wouldn't you say?
Its like all those people who never read the Wail yet seem intimately acquainted with e.g. Littlejohn's rants! Its a bit like me taking the pee out of the Grauniad for all its (supposed) typos when I don't often read it...
You couldn't make it up...