Sorry Mods but wasn't sure where to put this so I'll understand if you move it guys
I'm baffled by most of what is going around Facebook at the moment but with not much coming out officially lately you end up reading the numerous 'boards' that have appeared, RL Fans is an ocean of calm by comparison with some of them but something has appeared and so I just want to know if anyone else knows anything at all about it.
Bulls fans are being asked to pledge or promise to give a MINIMUM of £100 to become part of a new consortium, well I think it's new as the other one's gone in.

. Anyone any idea why this would be asked for now, the poster would not/ could not state who had made the approach to them but there are a lot of confused people just like me going 'what the heck'!!!
If anyone knows anything or could at least either say interesting and worth investigating or don't touch it with a bargepole its speculative nonsense please let me know. I'm not saying anyone involved doesn't have good intentions as I'm sure they do but its a lot to ask with no background information.
Thanks a lot guys and take care all.