Quote Ferocious Aardvark="Ferocious Aardvark"1. You are plaiting fog. If you would state what amounts were wrongly stated and what the true amounts were then it would be possible to comment. As it stands it's just a generalized claim so vague as to be pointless.
2 / 3 So what if? Many, many people spread information "that they have heard" from "people they know" on such forums, all the time, everywhere. All organisations spin, and put out spin. Why would any of that, if true, surprise you? "Demonstrated"? Who? How was it "demonstrated"? As for "an agent ...." - you've been reading too much Le Carre.
4. Who are "they", what was their "narrative", and exactly how did having "agents" on RAB and the T&A (I'm crying here!) "explain their failure"? If as your theory assumes they were not "drummed out of the club" - who are they?
5. I have not in recent times made any comments about the "significance" of any of the above as so far as I recall, no sensible post or thread has been running about any such topics for many months now, so I can't make sense of your odd accusation. Can we start with you telling us what you mean by "the current state of the club". Then you could explain how comments made on RAB have ANY "significance" in changing the "state of the club"? As a relevant factor, how does it compare with, say, having the money to pay your tax bill?'"
Given that you seem to struggle understanding the meaning of the term "World Champions" it was probs be futile for Rarebreed to try and explain because I am not entirely sure that you would get it anyway.