Quote TURFEDOUT="TURFEDOUT"With the greatest of respect,do not use words if you dont understand their meaning.
Just because i think Wakefield are good at finding a way to fit players into the squad,doesnt mean i take pleasure in it.Im purely making an observation,which is undeniably true.
I could also say,Wakey are bl00dy good at getting themselves into a financial hole,which again is true,doesnt mean i take pleasure in it.
I have commented earlier that i think Wakey have far too many overseas players and the game as a whole has far too many.'"
Do not try and become the 'grammar / dictionary police' your posts show that you are not up to the job.
There is no evidence whatsoever that wakey are bl00dy good at it. If you think they are then you do not understand the RFL rules

You are confusing wakey's pathetic policy of recruiting many 'exempt' overseas players with them being good at something.