Quote FredParky="FredParky"I am always gladened to hear that any action by any fan of any club brings some sort of service to thier club, one wishes that more would back thier so called support by a company who employ them or by personal donation of time effort or monies or any combination of the above, and in persuading BARRS (is it not?) you have done well. Its just a pity (and rather crass) you seem to want to use it in a pointless war of words with anpther supporter of the same club, and please remember it was you who 'started this 'war of words' not I. I am always willing to offer an apology if I'm wrong (and technically in this case your 'proof' was after the event but I am willing to overlook that), but I also expect one off others when they are, an old fasioned view I know but an honorable one I'm sure you will agree.
You may if you so wish take the above as an apology, now will you also do the honorable thing?'"
Your correct, my initial comment did not warrant an apology, and I added that in more as a tongue in cheek comment to last my post rather than a request but you know what Fred? Occasionally,you are very quick to aggressively shoot down the views of fellow passionate supporters that you do not agree with. So much so that some will no longer post. 'Leigh 24/7' immediately springs to mind.
I read a comment that I found to be 'foolish' and in return I was invited to justfy (with proof no less) how much of a 'true fan' I am but hey ho.. I have no intention in using it as war of words. Not in the slightest
After a 'trying' week (so far) and a late change of schedule that now means I can make Featherstone tonight, I am simply looking forward to joining my mates later on the coach and watching a fantastic game of RL.
The opportunity to also consume a nice cask ale pint would be an added pleasure