We need to get them away from council houses which should be for low paid WORKING people or people who have paid their dues and hit hard times, or have real illness. We need to stop giving council houses to young single unmarried mums too, who have never worked and have no male role model for their kids. A lot of problems stem from this. Yes I know some good kids from these backgrounds (I grew up in a single parent family from age

, but this needs seriously addressing.
We need a form modern day workhouses for these underclasses (people who are from families who have never worked a day in their life). This could be something modern, safe and clean - a bit like nurses homes rather than multi-bedroom council houses. Nothing nice and fancy but well policed - somewhere to be before getting a proper job, but something clearly less attractive than working life, so that people have incentives to work.
Take their kids off them in the daytime and give them a good proper disciplined schooling, and make the parents do something useful for themsleves and society - perhaps vocational education or volunteering. If they get jobs then give them back their council houses