Quote 71leyther="71leyther".... if the LSV Co can't sort out the traffic management!
Along with plenty others, just spent =#FF0000THIRTY MINUTES trying to get off that car park. Just where were the stewards?
If there are serious problems with a crowd of just over 2,000 what would it be like with a [size=150=#FF0000BIG[/size crowd?
Can't see any potentially new speccies rushing back if they were stuck in that mess.
An absolute joke !!! Get it sorted, LSV Co !'"
When I walked across the North Car Parks they looked full, so no matter if there's 2000 or 12000 on, when it's full its full so in theory it can't get worse.

I parked in Etherstone Street and was home in time to see the end of the Hull derby.