Quote Wigan6/Leeds1 Andy="Wigan6/Leeds1 Andy"Number one on Lenagan's to do list has to be to let Radlinski go. Until that happens don't expect any improvement.'"
KR is just a puppet
A chief exec with an owner chairman is a lose lose situation. I don’t rate KR but his authority levels re major decisions are about the same as mine at Wigan RLFC I.e. jack shoite. By the way IF if you’d have spent less time with the “warriors” and kept the Wigan RLFC maybe you’d have seen the shoite in front of your eyes. Are we still having the Ancient and Loyal badge back IL/KR for 2022? You won’t see a cent from me for my kids or grandkids on any merchandise in 2022 “warrior” or RLFC
Any chief executive with half a brain and full of opium would have potted Lam after the Barcelona debacle
The last 3 years sits squarely with IL. Total utter shoite encapsulated in tonight’s “performance”
The squad for next year is worse than this year. I don’t care if Peet can walk down the Leeds and Liverpool canal with a boa on his head and a feather up his arris I won’t be there. I’m done. I’m finished.
It will be Peet. All the shoite about different options is just shoite pretty much like the shoite reverberated at the forum.
It’s not ale talk I’ve had zippo. Due to work commitments I literally ran to the ground tonight to get there on time. Never again until the club is stripped and rebuilt. I used to literally cry when we lost when I was a kid. Tonight I couldn’t give a fishes tit.
Waney we know each other do yourself a favour don’t comeback in any role unless you have total utter control on signings. It’s too late for that so good luck in your dealings with journeymen like Thornley and Miller. KR thinks Miller will be a good signing, that’s how good our management is. The club states how dependent they are on gate receipts and not one new signing has even a dot of stardust. Chief Exec and Chairman, I’ve shoite better before my breakfast.
IL has had a grave dereliction of duty over the last 3 years and it will take someone else to resolve it. He’s done dusted and an ineffectual owner who owns a pup and he’s castrated it.