Quote Wigan/Leeds Andy="Wigan/Leeds Andy"Don't start swinging your handbag now because you don't understand the word held.
As usually you couldn't be more wrong - no change there on the evidence of the last few days.
As Billy should know given he's been over these boards like a rash since we became champions (notice the link?), I'm probably the last poster on here who plays the victimisation card and had many arguments with Wigan posters where I defend the Lima and Tomkins verdicts and punishments. So that extremely poor attempt of yours is quite simply wrong, not to mention embarrassing. If you want to continue that line I'm happily put up the links to embarrass you further if you want?
At the game on Friday I thought it was a bad one, but having looked at the replays actually think Lima was hard done to, but will accept whatever the verdict is later, and if found guilty certainly won't suggest it is part of some grand RFL conspiracy. There's a few people who obviously don't have the wit to see that we've just had one side of the argument at this stage, yet are using that as evidence of guilt, without realising that Wigan and Lima put their case later. At that stage the merits or otherwise of the tackle can be debated further, however when you're a Whino on a mission who still can't believe they didn't win on Friday it might take more than 4 days to get over it.'"
Please do "put up links"...not sure how they'll "embarrass me further" given that I have no idea what the f*ck your on about..but please go ahead if you think it proves some sort of point