I'd echo whats been said earlier.
Great they've carried over the price to deduct two games for ST renewals, but that forgets the 4-6k lapsed ST Holders (above last years 4k covid levels) you would think they would want to entice back.
Full price for an adult is £347 on the sidelines - meaning you're looking at 26.69 per game (/13)!

Where's the benefit of buying a ST and committing to all games up front for a 31p - £2 saving per game max?!
Even the early bird at £290 is not particularly enticing....Around £22.50 per game, giving you around £6 saving per game. So you're realistically getting just over 2 games free....Miss that with your holidays or game date changes (as most realistically would), theres literally no benefit in getting a ST.
I know latics are generally more desperate for fans, but compare that to a latics ST, which were sold at the rate of approx £10-11 per game.
I applaud them knocking off two games for renewals, but if they were looking at getting ST back up to previous levels the gap between existing (who would probably renew anyway) and new fans is far too much. £230 renewal price should have really been the offer to all new ST purchases before the end of January which would have possibly got us back up to 8k as there'd have been a meaningful incentive to renew.
Big opportunity missed IMO and i would be surprised to see us with more than 5k ST next year & latics style 8k gates, which is going to be pretty crippling for the club.