Quote jonh="jonh"Our key tactic is starting our sets off well.
Last year Wardle was the worst at this out of the 4 key players required to do this the way we play the game.
King was the best of the 2 centres at doing this by far.
Wardle is a better centre he’s the top centre in the comp but the devil is in the detail and the sum of the pieces make the whole.
More often than not with King we got a contact win, quick play the ball and an opportunity to get on the front foot, this positive start to our sets invariable meant we were able to finish our sets with attacking kicks rather than down towns out of our own 40.
When we signed Keighren I said we would need to look at those tactics because he simply wouldn’t play that way, and it’s not Wardle’s strongest attribute.
We haven’t looked at the tactics and AK has been average for most of the season. We are trying to turn him into a player he isn’t.
He like Wardle plays best off a platform laid by others on the front foot as we saw at Catalans. He is being asked to lay that platform at Wigan not benefit off it and it isn’t working.
Maybe we were never going to be able to keep King once Powell was sacked but that still doesn’t stop him from being a big miss and an integral part in the way Wigan fundamentally play the game even if he is no Mark Gasnier, he was still very effective in the role he was asked to play at Wigan.'"
Correct pal