Quote Steve51="Steve51""They” will split and become “Them”. There will be a feud between “Them” and “They” which will culminate in a 3rd faction “Us” attacking both “They” and “Them”.
But in a massive swerve it will be revealed that “Us” and “Them” were in cahoots all along leading to a feud between “Us” and “Them” vs “They” and a new stable “Those Guys”. This will all play out in the final 45 seconds of Impact.
The following week “They”, “Them”, “Us”, and “Those Guys” will go on a picnic with no explanation as to why they are all on good terms until it is revealed that “Those Guys” were actually doing the bidding of the group “They’re”.
Abyss will be in all 5 of these stables…
Dixie will tweet immediately following Impact that we need to tune into Impact next week to see the most shocking moment in the history of professional wrestling which will be Abyss turning heel on “Them” and “They’re” and joining “We” which will be comprised of members of “Those Guys”, “Us”, and somebody from the UK Gladiators.
Bloody Hell Lister who'd have thunk it !!'"
You are Vince Russo and I claim my £5!