Quote Shifty Cat="Shifty Cat"Just been on twitter to see what was happening on the Trinity site. My word there is some proper classy 'women' Widnes supporters actually having a go at MC for not calling off the game sooner, seriously you couldn't make it up. The guy that was actually out there shovelling trying to get the game on so people could watch it.
Apart from the fact about an hour before the game, the roads/grass was pretty clear around us and I'm currently just down the road. The other point is it's the match commissioner that calls it off not MC.
Even after MC had released a club statement saying the Club will give everyone who attended the game and has retained their ticket stub, a free ticket for the rearranged fixture, even though he doesn't have to under the rules, that would be only half price in our case. Honestly some people.
Also, travelling supporters can read weather forecasts and see what it's potentially going to be like before they decide to travel down the M62.
Apparently, he should of known that Blizzard was coming when it did.'"
They're a special bunch Widnes fans. Wanting to get their weather forecasts from a rugby club.