Right, here we go again. The usual categories, but please add your own if there's anyone you think deserves a special mention/nomination. You can nominate more than one person (including yourself

) if you like.
Best Male
Best Female
Best Mod
Most Annoying
Most Accurate Rumour-monger
Best Troll
Worst Troll
Favourite non-FC poster
Here goes:
Best Male: ComeOnYouHull (talks lots of sense), Kosh (mainly talks sense, apart from his Hall fixation

), Staffs FC (see ComeonYouHull)
Best Female: Karen xx, Worminhand
Best Mod: Neil HFC
Funniest: Hutchie
Most Annoying: Hull Kingston Convicts (although I wish he'd stop beating around the bush and say what he really thinks of every aspect of the club

Most Accurate Rumour-monger: The Brother
Best Troll: Gordon Gekko
Worst troll: Where to start? red sovine was rubbish, but cheeky charlie was just something else.
Favourite non-FC poster: Bandito, Digger_the_Dog, Mild Rover.
Messageboarder I would most like to be stuck in a lift with: The Brother (if that was him at the fans forum) - the only awkward pauses in conversation would be when he stops to draw breath.
Special mention to The Dentist Wilf for his utter devotion to the black and white cause and the "must read" Monday diary.
Fill yer boots