Quote EXPRO="EXPRO"Gotta say i am quite surprised at the playground mentality regarding this wish fight!
whos harder than who etc etc is ridiculous to say the very least.
firstly both players would need to get permission to carry out this fight from their clubs and i would hazzard a guess that neither would be willing to do so especially FC given how "eye off the ball" Lee became during his last fight with SF!! also why would WM risk his reputation by entering into such a fight when he has only just got here??
And then the police and local government are very unlikely to license such a fight given the serious chance of "afters" by the fans leaving the stadium regardless of who wins .
all in all a non starter..
oh and for the record i believe that many underestimate Masons ability because over the years he has on more than one ocassion earned his stripes as an enforcer on and off the pitch , yes Peacock hit him with a cracker and he was levelled against the Kiwis but there has never been a "enforcer" that hasnt been levelled on the pitch at some time or other but to even discuss who is tougher than who shows the lack of real news to discuss .'"
Wow chill dude! Whilst I agree that the radford fielden fight affected radford for that season, we're just having some fun in the off season! And there's absolutely no playground mentality here. Now sod off cos my dad's harder than your dad