Quote Bigger Daddy="Bigger Daddy"We seem to be playing with one of the flattest attacking lines I've seen in 30+ years of watching. There's often only a few yards difference in the depth of the PTB and the deepest man. The line looks cramped up and the receiver is having to check his run and slow down. We've also given a lot of unnecessary forward passes in midfield this year, for the same reason. That can become a vicious circle: slow PTB, receivers overrunning the ball and having to slow down, beaten in the collision, poor body position, and so a slow PTB. Last year O'Meley, Moa and Manu could break this by giving us some (at times undeserved) go-forward. At the moment Briscoe and Lineham look like the only players capable o changing this.'"
Could'nt agree more. We're as flat as a fart and as already been said some players are over running the ball we are that flat. I was shouting at the tele time and again "get deep" and we would have scored. I watched the Melbourne v Manly game and it was so simple yet so effective, players running from deep and in numbers, virtually unstoppable. O.k they're the best club side in the world but it was simple and it's a no-brainer. Why oh why do we persist in this slow side to side stuff which only ends up with someone dropping the ball. Lineham was the only one who made quick play the balls all night and we were away