Quote vikings 4 ever="vikings 4 ever"Don't really want to get into the Friday/Sunday debate, but in terms of atmosphere, I'm sure no matter what day the Batley game was on the atmosphere was going to be poor. If we think back over the past 3 seasons in NL1, how many games have seen a great atmosphere? The odd game against Leigh, Castleford or Whitehaven?
To be honest as soon as the licence decision was made, the atmosphere was going to take a nose dive, even though in general it was pretty poor anyway.'"
The recession is certainly kicking in.
As for kicking, the likes of Leigh and Widnes will really get a kicking this season regarding averages year on year,
Widnes should still be top though, but other than the 4300 you got against us (and it was GF), I cannot see you topping that, unless some kind of deal is done when you play Fax.
Gee, Widnes v Leigh games used to be 6k + not too long ago. I'd be surprised if there is 2500 for the return game at LSV