i also have vague memories of mid week, evening kick offs (i think it was probably back in the days when there were 400 different knock out tournaments) being taken along by my dad and not really being interested but being cold and getting told off for arsing about and not watching the game

I have no idea when this was, i was definately very small, maybe 5-6 at most.
then i was allowed to go with my mates when i got a bit older (maybe 11) in the cow sheds sort of tagging along with all the boozed up older lads who had done a pre match session in the albion or some such

carried on in this way right through the dark days of 1994-1999ish.
I also remember, we were allowed out of class for an hour to see off the team as they made their way to wembley in 93. I was only in primary school at St Bedes, we all lined up outside the school on the birchfield road side, waving our scarfs and flags as the team bus passsed. Some of them came along to the school a week or so later to thank us
i also have clear memories of watching that final at my aunties house with the whole family, then waiting for my dad to come home (i wasnt allowed to go with The Men on the coach, too much boozing and swearing for my innocent young mind apparently). Ahhhh memories.