Quote His Bobness="His Bobness"Yes if only we could go back to the heady days of Hull KR 2 York 0 on a postage stamp quagmire surrounded by dog and speedway track. Back then 'New' Craven Park was so bleak that opposition players would retire rather than have to come back. Well that's what Phil Clarke says and he's a TV expert. Why oh why are Sheens & Hudgell ignoring this highly sucessful strategy of freezing the b*loocks off the opposition the place is like a holiday camp nowadays.
We'd barely calmed down from the excitement of the York game when that was followed up with a real points fest Hull KR 6 Fev 4, we needed our abacuses for that one. No really we did, the electronic scoreboard was still frozen in time from when it broke down just as we went into administration for 3 years.
And another thing. Floodlights what's the point of them? We got by perfectly well with candles stuck onto the pylons we brought with us from Holderness Road. Okay so it was a bit dark towards the corners.
Nobody complained when someone blew them out and the Leigh game had to be abandoned when we were losing.'"
Well said and did we not get beat by 2-0 one time and a 1-1 draw or am I getting that old now I make things up what I think I so