Quote Grendel="Grendel"Oh and AJH, I think you've got something on the end of your nose ...
Oh it's okay, it's only geoff Moss' shiit!'"
If all else fails, revert to personal insults eh?
As for the whole free speech thing, I just find it ironic and slightly hypocritical that you were always one of the first to tell Widnes/Leigh/whoever else's fans to scoot off of our board if they were winding you up, but now you're hear doing the same.
Your 'truths' probably differ very much from the actual truth, as do most people's. None of us will know the real truth, but I suppose knowing a few people at BFL and around Bridgend means you're privy to information nobody else is.
I suppose all will revealed in this 'explicit' money-spinner 'Sir' Gerald McCarthy and Kevin Ellis are releasing.