Quote Ski="Ski"but also to the costs as Saints try to make some semblances of money off being away from home this season.
im talking about potential gate loss for televised games, obviously the club will be trying to make ends meet with the stadium but fans could help, even if its a little by getting to televised games, it might only be a couple of grand but every little helps
Quote Ski="Saddened!"
I reckon we'll average around 8,000 this season.'"
i think an average of 8,000 would be a shame, i dont know your average from last year but i presume it would be around the 11-12k mark, minimum, i would hope that saints would get at least an average of 10,000 over any recent season, if there is only a gate of 10,514 against warrington which produced a full house over the last few seasons, can that kind of gate make up for gates against the like of quins, catalan, cru cru crusaders, wakey, cas, maybe even the hulls due to the distance and bradford if last season is anything to go by, also leeds if results go against their way.
can a wigan home tie and a warrington tie that had a gate of 10,514 even get you to an 8K average? i would be quite worried if i was you guys. it proven that saints fans have spurred the team on at KR, i feel you may have lost a very influential part of your game by moving (some thigns cant be avoided though)
im not sure how the gate money is divided, if at all, or you pay halton council a flat rate, either way it will hurt you guys and maybe set you back a few years which is a shame if you dont get bums on seats
the only way to beat it is to get none season ticket holder to get to widnes. maybe a big big big community drive is in order, im not sure.
like i say im not sure how this will impact you but low attendances cant help in any situation.