IF this is true - and obviously until Stuart Duffy denies it, it has to be treated as anecdotal only

- it would sort of suggest that Bulls needed to offload him with some urgency? Whether salary cap or the 25 player rule or for other reasons, who knows? It would also sort of suggest that he was on a decent package, and either did not want to go or his agent could not find him another berth at anything like what he was on? So to get him away, Bulls had to agree to subsidise his salary up to the end of his Bulls contract? IF. all IF.
If...this MIGHT fit in with (or be rumour arising from) the reports that Feather has been offered a contract extension at Cas, but on only "half the salary" which he is angry about? That would fit in with a Bulls subsidy ending, and Cas not being prepared to pay him more than they are already?
And also with the rumour of him maybe going to Oz in some capacity?
Or, alternatively, IF Cas (have seen more anecdotal suggestions posted elsewhere of serious future financial issues - truth or otherwise, who knows?) are trying to counter what Feather has said about his new contract offer?
You pays your money, and you takes your choice! Word of the bloody season on here...IF!
For mine, whilst Feather has had a very good season at Cas this follows a succession of seasons when he never lived up to his promise. General consensus IIRC seemed to be that he rarely showed the drive and ambition and aggression you would have hoped for, and he relied too much on his size and too little on effort and commitment.