So how's everyone feeling on the eve of the season? Thoughts on recruitment?
I feel much more content than when Doyle had signed for Keighley. Resigned myself to watching us in a relegation battle at that point. But credit to the management, I don't think we could have asked for a better off-season recruitment. Yes we would all like another prop, winger etc but I think most clubs are in that position. If you'd have told me we'd have signed Walker, Lawrence, Appo, I think we would have all had a good laugh.
We've addressed the culture issue by signing excellent pros and leaders in Thompson & Lawrence. We'll find out as the season goes on if it really has changed.
There's players I'm genuinely excited to watch next year (been a while since I've felt that way) Walker could tear the league apart if he stays fit. Appo I think will become a fans favourite.
Half-Backs! What a strange feeling having 4 genuine half backs, any of whom could be starters. I think Holmes, who has gone under the radar, is a superb signing.
As I said above, I'm actually looking forward to watching us this year. Not because I think we've a chance of promotion, but I feel we've a team we can get behind and enjoy watching play.
So here's to watching us endure a shock opening defeat against Whitehaven!