Was just thinking about some of the pros/cons of the Sunday/Friday night debate
Often good atmospheres for clubs in the same county/derbies
Good for the younger adult fans who want a drink
'Special feeling' of under the lights
Doesn't clash with Premiership football
Hard for away fans to get across this hill due to the shambles that is the M62
Not good for familys
No chance to hold double headers, Women's game, PDRL, Reserves etc
Poor atmosphere for games against the likes of Catalan. I mean a night home home against Catalan?
Obviously not the traditional Sunday 3pm spot most fans want
[uSunday [/u
Always generally a good atmosphere/feel to the game
Great for taking the kids
Double headers etc
Chance for clubs to bring strong away followings (more revenue for the respective clubs) for example Rovers last season in the championship
Going home to a Sunday dinner cooked by the missus
Not ideal for younger fans who enjoy/want a good session however doesn't seem to put people off
Clashes with Premiership football
As you can see expansionist or flat capper. Sunday games are best for Rugby League!