Quote SEB="SEB"
So the club needs to get out into the community much, much more than it already does - but that means investment, money the club doesn't really have available, especially after the Sport England cuts.
Maybe the club could come up with some imaginative ticketing schemes that incentivise the fans to do the marketing for them - by encouraging us all to keep on bringing new / non-regular friends and family to the games.'"
Ticket schemes are not going to get you 20,000 fans unless its Wigan and we can get them to bring loads over (maybe offer them half price if they leave before the end).
I wouldn't try to diminish the work the club does engaging with the community but I think you get diminishing returns with this in terms of being able to attract more fans. If a big programme of investment in the community would have 20,000 through the turnstiles then money wouldn't be a problem, we could borrow it if a lender truly believed it would pay off like that.
I would be impressed if we hold or slightly increase our attendances in the next 5 years or so. It will be a real challenge. I'm sure Bradford had a 10 year plan a decade ago, wanting to redevelop Odsal etc take them to the next level in terms of growth, things didn't quite work out.
Will Tony Smith be here in 5 years time? 10 years time? The balance of power between SL and the NRL has shifted now so the top Aussie coaches aren't coming any more. When TS goes we will more than likely be in the market for an English coach - if we are lucky it will be someone like McNamara or Daryl Powell, if not we might be looking at guys like Iestyn Harris, Jimmy Lowes, Sean Long etc. If the flow of top NRL players to SL has dried up then we will be reliant on the English market for players, albeit if we discover any real gems they will probably go to the NRL.
It is likely to be a much harder product to sell to new fans than we have had under Smith with his array of top class stars from both hemispheres. The likelihood is we will slip backwards as a club on the field, in the next 5 years. Whilst people may point out that other SL clubs will be in the same boat too, that is the whole problem, the game in general will find it difficult to grow.
As with all stuff I'm cynical about, I'm happy to be proved wrong but I have a feeling we will be looking at gates closer to 10,000 than 20,000 in the next 5 to 10 years.