Quote Mr Snoodle="Mr Snoodle"www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rugby-league/37490690
Interesting piece from Ben Cockayne - makes me see this game in a very different light.'"
Yes I can imagine it is stressful for the players involved but it is what you can expect in professional sport. No different than, say, if you are a professional golfer on the cusp of losing your pro-card due to poor performances etc. The "voiding" (I suspect he means termination) of the contract is not imposed by the RFL it will be written into the contract by the club and accepted by the player at the time of agreement.
Disgrace he says? I think he is more fitting of that adjective. He didn't seem that concerned about his contract being terminated when he and another assaulted a 19 year old men to the extent where the victim received seven broken ribs, broken nose and swelling to the head leaving the victim feeling "he was going to die".