Quote Billy`s Cat="Billy`s Cat"Tested for what? To see if he has got any common sense? I don't wish the guy any harm and hope he genuinely realises the error of his ways, but he is very much "yesterdays man". I cannot see him coming back to Wigan and i think it would be wrong if he did-sorry.'"
with you on this one, a large portion of fans seem to think he will stroll back into the Wigan side and be a formidable opponent, i think not.
I pose these questions to those fans
what if he does not want to come back to Wigan?
what if Madge doesn't want him back?
what if another team offers more than IL?
will there be a place for him when new signings have been made?
will there be enough money left to pay the guy?
after being out of the game for 2 years do you think he is going to be fit enough to play at this level given that he is now 2 years older and has not played a game in this time?
i say let him go elsewhere as he will be a shadow of the player he once was.