Having seen the new coach working in the past , Perhaps it's time to let the club grow again, Craig will undoubtedly bring a fresh approach to a club that has to be positive move by the board.simple facts seem to be Cougars put all there money on black and it came up red. So in my opinion it's start again with players who can see beyond the money. And the club simply have to bring young hungry players to the club and build for the future, Cougars will always have there better younger players cherry picked by the so called bigger clubs but that's the nature of the beast case in point Jamel Goodall cast aside by Bradford because of a bad injury at 16 years old and on the verge of quitting the game, Cougars take a chance build his confidence and a contract a cas is his reward ,that's the reality of it. But if the club can put its faith in the youth system and bring local talent though I'm sure it will bring its own rewards. My thought would be give the new coach a chance don't expect miracles in the 1st season. Stay positive