Not, it seems.
Shamelessly ripped from the 606 messageboard and "Wolfman Kenny" who has basically ranked each attendance by ground and allocated points 13-1 to away support. Obviously the methodology is subjective and there are match-specific factors to take account of, but thought it was interesting.
Vs Bradford @ Odsal: 13pts- Leeds (14554) 12pts- Hull KR (12141) 11pts- Hull (11327) 10pts- Saints (10599) 9pts- Huddersfield (10186) 8pts- Wigan (9487) 7pts- Cas (8971) 6pts- Wire (8643) 5pts- Wakefield (8387) 4pts- Salford (8167) 3pts- Catalans (7919) 2pts- Quins (7813) 1pt- Celtic (7602)
Vs Cas @ The Jungle: 13pts- Wakefield (10155) 12pts-Bradford (9185) 11pts-Hull KR (8709) 10pts- Hull (8297) 9pts- Leeds (8082) 8pts- Saints (8003) 7pts- Salford (7052) 6pts- Quins (7049) 5pts- Wigan (6754) 4pts- Huddersfield (6572) 3pts- Celtic (6547) 2pts- Wire (5628) 1pt- Catalans (5508)
Vs Catalans @ Stade Aime Giral: 13pts- Wire (18150) 12pts- Wigan (9490) 11pts- Hull (9800) 10pts- Hull KR (9073) 9pts- Saints (9065) 8pts- Wakefield (8755) 7pts- Salford (8327) 6pts- Quins (8324) 5pts- Cas (8150) 4pts- Leeds (7913) 3pts- Bradford (7620) 2pts- Huddersfield (7520) 1pt- Celtic- 6784
Vs Celtic @ Brewery Field: 13pts- Saints (6351) 12pts- Leeds (5997) 11pts- Hull (5272) 10pts- Wigan (5253) 9pts- Wire (3231) 8pts- Bradford (3089) 7pts- Hull KR (3015) 5.5pts- Quins & Salford (3009) 4pts- Catalans (2972) 3pts- Cas (2857) 2pts- Wakefield (2089) 1pt- Huddersfield (1988)
Vs Quins @ Twickenham Stoop: 13pts- Leeds (4378) 12pts- Saints (4258) 11pts- Huddersfield (3916) 10pts- Wigan (3883) 9pts- Cas (3824) 8pts- Wakefield (3612) 7pts- Bradford (3112) 6pts- Hull (3593) 5pts- Hull KR (3492) 4pts- Wire (3026) 3pts- Salford (2612) 2pts- Catalans (2539) 1pt- (2245)
Vs Huddersfield @ Galpharm: 13pts- Leeds (11593) 12pts- Saints (11338) 11pts- Hull (10459) 10pts- Wigan (8988) 9pts- Bradford (7982) 8pts- Wakefield (7846) 7pts- Wire (7107) 6pts- Salford (6903) 5pts- (6356) 4pts- Celtic (6407) 3pts- Hull KR- (6346) 2pts- Cas- (6010) 1pt- Catalans (5823)
Vs Hull @ KC Stadium: 13pts- Hull KR (22332) 12pts- Quins (15592) 11pts- Wigan (14523) 10pts- Cas (14028) 9pts- Catalans (12482) 8pts- Saints (12009) 7pts- Wakefield (11975) 6pts- Leeds (11780) 5pts- Salford (11218) 4pts- Huddersfield (11191) 3pts- Wire (10997) 2pts- Bradford (10412) 1pt- Celtic (10397)
Vs Hull KR @ Craven Park: 13pts- Hull (9450) 12pts- Wakefield (9038) 11pts- Wigan (9007) 10pts- Saints 8976) 9pts- Huddersfield (8731) 8pts- Leeds (8623) 7pts- Wire (8579) 6pts- Bradford (8026) 5pts- Catalans (8115) 3.5pts- Cas & Salford (8104) 2pts- Celtic (8046) 1pt- Quins (7874)
Vs Leeds @ Headingley: 13pts- Saints (19997) 12pts- Bradford- 17824 11pts- Wigan (17667) 10pts- Cas (16931) 9pts- Hull KR (16192) 8pts- hull (15929) 7pts- Wakefield (15643) 6pts- Huddersfield (14934) 5pts- Celtic (14827) 4pts- Salford (14381) 3pts- Quins (13912) 2pts- Catalans (13425) 1pt- Wire (13386)
Vs Salford @ The Willows: 13pts- Wigan- (7016) 12pts- Wire (6150) 11pts- Leeds (6101) 10pts- Saints (4808) 9pts- Bradford (4383) 8pts- Hull KR (4222) 7pts- Hull (4165) 6pts- Celtic (4026) 5pts- Huddersfield (3721) 4pts- Quins (3367) 3pts- (3487) 2pts- Catalans (3475) 1pt- Wakefield (3151)
Vs Saints @ Knowsley Road: 13pts- Wire (17009) 12pts- Wigan (15563) 11pts- Leeds (13996) 10pts- Hull (13684) 9pts- Hull KR (11830) 8pts- Bradford (11039) 7pts- Salford (9723) 6pts- Cas (9680) 5pts- Quins (9359) 4pts- Huddersfield (8708) 3pts- Celtic (8684) 2pts- Wakefield (8651) 1pt- Catalans (8268)
Vs Wakefield @ Belle Vue: 13pts- Cas (8371) 12pts- Celtic (7893) 11pts- Salford (6578) 10pts- Bradford (6516) 9pts- Leeds (6425) 8pts- Hull KR (6328) 7pts- Saints (6038) 6pts- Wigan (5521) 4pts- Quins (5079) 3pts- Huddersfield (5037) 2pts- Catalans (4807) 1pt- Hull (4721)
Vs Warrington @ HJ: 13pts- Saints (12075) 12pts- Wigan (10718) 11pts- Leeds (9863) 10pts- Bradford (9606) 9pts- Hull (9170) 8pts- Salford (8908) 7pts- Wakefield (8681) 6pts- Hull KR (8457) 5pts- Cas (8202) 4pts- Quins (8010) 3pts- Huddersfield (8007) 2pts- (7947) 1pt- (7854)
Vs Wigan @ JJB: 13pts- Saints (22232) 12pts- Leeds (20295) 11pts- Quins (14977) 10pts- Wakefield (14377) 9pts- Wire (13452) 8pts- Hull KR (13415) 7pts- Bradford (12588) 6pts- Hull (12491) 5pts- Celtic (12731) 4pts- Cas (12079) 3pts- Huddersfield (11760) 2pts- Salford (11550) 1pt- Catalans (11543)
When you add up all of the points each team got for last season, you get:
1. Saints- 138pts
2. Leeds- 132pts
3. Wigan- 131pts
4. Hull- 114pts
5. Hull KR- 109pts
6. Bradford- 103pts
7. Wire- 91pts
8. Wakefield- 90pts
9. Cas- 80.5pts
10. Salford- 73pts
11. Quins- 68.5pts
12. Huddersfield- 64pts
13. Celtic- 45pts
14. Catalans- 35pts
Surprises for me are Saints at the top and Wire only on a par with Wakefield.